Sunday, March 29, 2009

About Viral Promotions

The Internet has revolutionized the way people listen to music - CD's are on the way out and a successful artist has got to adapt to new media in order to get their voice heard. The internet finally evens the playing field giving everyone a presence, but it is a double edged sword - how do I get myself heard while competing with literally MILLIONS of other artists on MySpace, FaceBook, Twitter, and other social sites. See I found a secret that gives you the same methods major labels have developed for artists, and I can help you.

Living in Music City I have grown up around major record labels - nearly everyone in Nashville either works in Music Row for a major label, has a development deal, or does some sort of third party work. Music is what drives this city, and every international record company in the music business has an office here - Sony, BMI, Atlantic, Warner Brothers, Virgin; I have grown up around all of these, and I know how the music industry works. So what can my knowledge do for you?

See, these majors have suffered tumbling sales due to their inability to adapt to new media like digital downloads, ringtones, and promotional plays. Digital downloading have taken away the need for major label promotions and sales - with no manufacturing cost it has become simple for artists to sell their music to the masses. The results from a study in 2007 show that the digital music media is growing exponentially, while traditional in store retail has dropped substantially.

The barrage of digital music from startups such as Napster and the ascendancy of Apple’s iPod have record companies singing the blues, a new study says.

The report from Jupiter Research finds that while spending on digital music will grow from about $1 billion in 2006 to $3.4 billion by 2012, it will not compensate for shriveling CD sales, which still reached almost $10 billion in 2006.

So its clear that real money is being made by independant artists in this information age where an artist can reach a worldwide audience from the comfort of their own bedrooms. There are no need for major labels to handle manufacturing, design, and especially the dreaded and money draining artist development. See, I have seen it time and time again here in Nashville - some incredibly talented artist comes along, strikes a multi-million dollar development deal, then 3 years later after one poorly promoted single and no album the artist is shelved and left pennieless and debt. See, the thing they dont tell you when you sign that development deal is that you have to RECOUP the money they put into you. If you sign a 1.5 million dollar deal with Warner Brothers you dont just get a check for a mil and a half and start recording - that money is a LOAN and the artist is contracturally bound to pay it back.

You get a development deal, then you are their ASSET, an investment, and they dictate what money goes where - most of it right back into their already fat pockets through in-house marketing, design, studio time, tour costs, and anything else they feel like because you don't even get to manage the money. You still have to pay it back once they drop your project though, and from that point on nobody will touch you. If you sign a deal with Warner Brothers and you never recoup, the only way another label can sign you is if that contract is paid in full... not an easy feat. This is how record companies prey on artists, and they have been doing it for years. They know they have tools available to get artists exposure, and use this to lure them in with dreams of being a star. When they are done they leave them pennieless, in debt, and stuck on the streets of Nashville wondering where it all went wrong.

So clearly one wants to stay independant as an artist - if you can sell your music directly you get almost all of the profit. The only problem is being heard - the majors know that they have promotional tools that dwarf the independants in every way - and with millions of artists out there it's nearly impossible to get the strong internet presence worldwide that you need. Thats where I can help you.

WE CAN HELP YOU STAY INDEPENDENT! By utilizing the major label quality promotion service we offer you can give yourself exposure to OVER A MILLION POTENTIAL FANS WORLDWIDE!!! THIS IS NOT SPAM - EVERYONE WE PROMOTE TO HAS SIGNED UP TO RECEIVE YOUR NEW MUSIC ALONG WITH CURRENT HITS FROM TODAY'S HOTTEST ACTS! THIS IS NOT A PROGRAM THAT FAKES PAGE VIEWS OR PLAYS - WE OFFER LEGITIMATE EXPOSURE TO THE CONTENT YOU PROVIDE TO HUGE AUDIENCE MOST PEOPLE DREAM OF!!! Let us give you the online presence you have always dreamed of. Don't waste your money on other services that fake the numbers and promote to random people who aren't interested in your music. This is a CONTRACT SERVICE and we offer 24/7 support and consultation via phone and email. Prices begin at $1,500 - this is a very real and powerful promotion tool that can take you and your music to the next level. GET NOTICED TODAY - GO!Viral!

When you have decided to utilize this amazing opportunity contact us via email in the text field below

Serious inquiries only:

Please include
  1. Artist name and links to web site (if applicable)
  2. Any additional services required (domain registry, web hosting, audio prep, etc)
  3. Valid phone number and hours you prefer to be reached at
  4. Any additional questions you might have.
DO NOT SEND US YOUR MP3 FILES, PICTURES, ETC. We will try and answer all preliminary questions through email. Once you are ready we will set up a call time for consultation and arrange for a contract to be sent either via email or fax.

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